The Princess Diaries is a book series, written by Meg Cabot and it revolves around the life of Mia Thermopolis. This book format is a journal, written by Mia herself.
These are the diaries of a teenage girl, Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis, who in addition to having to deal with normal teen issues, has just found out that she is a princess of a small European country. Now she has to pass Algebra, take princess classes, and lie to all her friends about who she really is. For fourteen-year-old Mia Thermopolis, life doesn't get much worse than high school. She's too tall, too thin, and too flat-chested.
She hates algebra, she's fighting with her best friend, and her mother is dating her math teacher! She has a weird haircut and the only boy she likes is intimidated by her intelligence. Then the day comes when her divorced parents sit her down together and tell her that, since her father is the prince of Genovia, she's the princess! Now, on top of everything else, she has princess lessons with her prissy grandmother, and a slew of popular kids only wish to befriend her because it's cool to hang out with a princess.
- The Princess Diaries
- The Princess Diaries: Princess in the Spotlight
- The Princess Diaries: Princess in Love
- The Princess Diaries: Princess In Waiting
- The Princess Diaries: Princess In Pink
- The Princess Diaries: Princess in Training
- The Princess Diaries: Party Princess
- The Princess Diaries: Princess On the Brink
- The Princess Diaries: Princess Mia
- The Princess Diaries: Forever Princess
- The Princess Diaries: Royal Wedding
- The Quarantine Princess Diaries
From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess is a spinoff sequel that centers on the twelve-year-old paternal younger half-sister of Queen Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldo, and how she deals with her discovery of being partially royal from her father's side while trying to graduate middle school.
- On the digital library app Libby, only the first and eleventh books are on audio for some reason.