From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess is a middle grade series written through the illustrated diaries of a spunky new heroine, twelve-year-old Olivia Grace, who happens to be the long lost younger paternal half-sister of Princess Mia Thermopolis. The books are written and illustrated by Meg Cabot, all available on the library app Libby. The very first book was published on May 19, 2015 by Feiwel & Friends.
- From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess
- From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess: Royal Wedding Disaster
- Princess Olivia Grace Clarisse Harrison- Renaldo
- Mrs. Harrison
- Crown Princess Amelia "Mi" Mignonette Thermpolis Renaldo
- Prince Edward Christoph Phillipe Gerald Renaldo
- Dowager Princess Clarisse Renaldo